Papoose invited the public to come learn more about this iconic valley institution at an iconic valley location 'The Mint' which has recently reopened and is rocking!
With a great turnout of 16 potentially new members, many recent members, and a slew of lifetime members, as well as curious public.
President John Carreiro and Vice-president Anna Mathieu opened with introduction of
Papoose club, its mission, history, beneficiaries, grant recipients, donations, sponsors,
introducing the executive committee, member’s obligations (volunteer, buy raffle tickets,
meetings attending) etc. The five major fundraisers were all introduced as well as the chairs of these great events.
Several recognitions and awards were made: Claudia Klokke was honored the member of the year. President John Carreiro was awarded the Golden Spatula for his magnificent involvment in the Pancake Breakfast.
Claudia Klokke, the new Sponsorship officer, kicked off the new annual sponsorship package that she piloted with creative help from Elli Bernacchi.
The Next Papoose Meeting is on 10/24/2022 at the Fire Station in Ketchum - 107 Saddle Rd (Next to the YMCA). The public is welcome!