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Community Table, Senior Bash, Kids Mountain Fund & Crisis Hotline Papoose Get Funding!

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

At the January Meeting, Papoose Club granted funds to the Community Table/Mesa Communitaria, Senior Bash, Kids Mountain Fund, and Crisis Hotline “My Life Matters” program.

The Community Table/Mesa Communitaria builds bridges using food to facilitate gathering in neighborhoods up and down the Valley. They have had 13 events this last year, their first year, reaching 30-80 per event. Papoose funds will help with branding and awareness for the program.

The Senior Bash is a graduation night party open to all 300 seniors in the valley providing a safe and fund night of food, movies, raffle prizes, games, photo booth, casino tables, dancing, etc. Papoose continues to be a long time supporter of this yearly event.

The Kids Mountain Fund was granted funds for the rental ski equipment for the approximately 150 kids skiing at Rotarun. This wonderful program makes skiing accessible to a wide array of children in the valley, many of whom are first time skiers.

The Crisis Hotline’s “My Life Matters” program focuses on teaching awareness to families about the signs of emotional distress in youth. Papoose happily provided monies to further the suicide prevention awareness curriculum.


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